Sunday, June 24, 2018

Statistics Using Python : Part 0

Why Statistics ?

Statistics is a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. It is regarded as one of the pillars of data science and machine learning.

Why Python ?

Python is a general purpose programming language. It's very easy to understand. Also, you can use python for developing complex scientific and numeric application. Python is designed with features to facilitate data analysis and visualization.

What to expect further ?

I will cover topics on python along with statistics using examples.

Major topics to be covered :

1. An Introduction - Setting Up your programming environment
2. Python Basics - Fundamentals of Libraries,  Data Types, Math Operations, Exceptions, I/O, OOP
3. Numpy - To perform operations on arrays and matrices
4. Pandas - Performing Data Manipulation 
5. Matplotlib : Performing Data Visualization
6. Measures of Central Tendency
7. Measures of Variation
8. Measures of Skewness, Kurtosis and Moments
9. Sampling and Sampling Distributions
10. Univariate Statistics
11. Multivariate Statistics
12. Dimension Reduction and Feature Extraction
13. Clustering
14. Linear Method for Regression

Application of "Statistics Using Python In Real Life"

1. Direct Marketing
2. Online Advertising
3. Credit Scoring
4. Financial Trading
5. Fraud Detection
6. Search Ranking
7. Product Recommendation

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Street Light Control System for Smart City

Street Light Control System for Smart City

Componant Required 

(a) Server at Control room to monitor the status and control on / off lights

(b) GSM Bsaed Control Device at street light Distribution Box

Monday, July 7, 2014

Simple Android Application to display your current location address with the Geographic Coordinates

This Android Application displays your current location address with the geographical coordinates.
This application converts the geographical coordinates(lattitudes and longitudes) into location address and displays it on your screen.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

PWM DC Motor Control and Display PWM Duty Cycle 0 -255 on 7 seg

PIC 16F877A board PWM DC Motor Control and Display duty cycle 0 to 255 on 7 Seg
Project Image

Project Video

Parts List:
1. PIC 16F877A Micro Controller Board.
2. Connecting wires .
3. DC Motor Small (6Volts)

H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to 2 KEY INPUT Switch
 RB6  -> sw6  (Increase pwm duty)
 RB7  -> sw7  (decrease pwm duty)

Port D Connected to 7 SEG
 RD0  ->D0
 RD1  -> D1
 RD2  -> D2
 RD3  -> D3
 RD4  -> D4
 RD5  -> D5
 RD6  -> D6
 RD7  -> D7
Port A Connected to 7 SEG Digit

RA0 -> DIGIT 1
RA1 -> DIGIT 2
RA2 -> DIGIT 3
RA3 -> DIGIT 4

To Change Speed of DC Motor Press Key
SW6 -> Decrease PWM Duty
SW7 -> Increase PWM Duty