Tuesday, February 25, 2014

PIC 16F877A board test dispaly LCD display blog site name on LCD

PIC 16F877A board test LCD dispaly

Parts List:
1. 40 PIN PIC Controller Board.
2. Connecting wires from PortB to LCDs.

H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to LCDs  IN 4bit mode.
 RB0  ->D7
 RB1  ->D6
 RB2  ->D5
 RB3  ->D4
 RB4  -> E
 RB5  -> RS
 RB6  -> RW

Project Image

Sunday, February 23, 2014

PIC 16F877A board test dispaly LED pattern on port B

PIC 16F877A board test dispaly LED pattern on port B

Parts List:
1. 40 PIN PIC Controller Board.
2. Connecting wires from PortB to LEDs.

H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to LEDs -> RB0,RB1,RB2,RB3,RB4,RB5,RB6,RB7

Project Image

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

00.C Digital temp. meter / Read LM35 output and display on 7 seg

LM35 Digital temp. meter / Read LM35 output and display on 7 seg

Parts List:
1.PIC 28 PIN PIC Controller Board.
2. 7seg 4 Digit Display Board.
3. LM35

H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to seg data RB0,RB1,RB2,RB3,RB4,RB5,RB6,RB7
Port A Connected to Digit on seg RA0,RA1,RA2,RA3.
LM35 Output to RA5 (AN4)

Project Image


Monday, February 10, 2014

4 Digit UP Down counter PIC18F2550

4 Digit UP / Down counter PIC18F2550

Parts List:
1.PIC 28 PIN Controller Board.
2. 7seg 4 Digit Display Board.
3. Two push button switch to up / down count

H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to seg data RB0,RB1,RB2,RB3,RB4,RB5,RB6,RB7
Port A Connected to Digit on seg RA0,RA1,RA2,RA3.
Port C Pin no. RC6 connect to down (count ) sw
Port C Pin no. RC7 connect to UP (count ) sw

4 Digit Up /Down Counter Photo

Up / Down Counter Video connect Pin RC6 (Down) and RC7 (Up) counting

OR Youtube Link

give your e-mail if hex file needed

Posted on 11 Feb 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

4 Digit UP / Down counter PIC18F2550

4 Digit UP / Down counter PIC18F2550

Parts List:
1.PIC 28 PIN Controller Board.
2. 7seg 4 Digit Display Board.
3. Two push button switch to up / down count

H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to seg data RB0,RB1,RB2,RB3,RB4,RB5,RB6,RB7
Port A Connected to Digit on seg RA0,RA1,RA2,RA3.
Port C  Pin no. RC6 connect to down (count ) sw
Port C Pin no. RC7 connect to UP (count ) sw

4 Digit Up /Down Counter Photo

Up / Down Counter Video connect Pin RC6 (Down) and RC7 (Up) counting
OR  Youtube Link 
give your e-mail if hex file needed

Posted on 11 Feb 2014

0000 MIcro Controller PIC18F2550 Board and 4-Digit 7 Seg Display

Make 4 Digit Counter to count 0000 to 9999

Parts List:
1.PIC 28 PIN Controller Board.
2. 7seg 4 Digit Display Board.

H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to seg data RB0,RB1,RB2,RB3,RB4,RB5,RB6,RB7
Port A Connected to Digit on seg RA0,RA1,RA2,RA3.

Project Picture : Controller Board Connected to 7 seg Display Board

Project Video

Project Hex File 4digit.hex  download