Monday, July 7, 2014

Simple Android Application to display your current location address with the Geographic Coordinates

This Android Application displays your current location address with the geographical coordinates.
This application converts the geographical coordinates(lattitudes and longitudes) into location address and displays it on your screen.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

PWM DC Motor Control and Display PWM Duty Cycle 0 -255 on 7 seg

PIC 16F877A board PWM DC Motor Control and Display duty cycle 0 to 255 on 7 Seg
Project Image

Project Video

Parts List:
1. PIC 16F877A Micro Controller Board.
2. Connecting wires .
3. DC Motor Small (6Volts)

H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to 2 KEY INPUT Switch
 RB6  -> sw6  (Increase pwm duty)
 RB7  -> sw7  (decrease pwm duty)

Port D Connected to 7 SEG
 RD0  ->D0
 RD1  -> D1
 RD2  -> D2
 RD3  -> D3
 RD4  -> D4
 RD5  -> D5
 RD6  -> D6
 RD7  -> D7
Port A Connected to 7 SEG Digit

RA0 -> DIGIT 1
RA1 -> DIGIT 2
RA2 -> DIGIT 3
RA3 -> DIGIT 4

To Change Speed of DC Motor Press Key
SW6 -> Decrease PWM Duty
SW7 -> Increase PWM Duty

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

PIC 16F877A board Display number with key input on 7 seg

PIC 16F877A board Input key display on 7 seg

Project Image

Parts List:
1. PIC 16F877A Micro Controller Board.
2. Connecting wires .
H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to 8 KEY INPUT Switch.
 RB0  -> sw0
 RB1  -> sw1
 RB2  -> sw2
 RB3  -> sw3
 RB4  -> sw4
 RB5  -> sw5
 RB6  -> sw6
 RB7  -> sw7
Project Video

Port D Connected to 7 SEG
 RD0  ->D0
 RD1  -> D1
 RD2  -> D2
 RD3  -> D3
 RD4  -> D4
 RD5  -> D5
 RD6  -> D6
 RD7  -> D7
Port A Connected to 7 SEG Digit

RA0 -> DIGIT 1
RA1 -> DIGIT 2
RA2 -> DIGIT 3
RA3 -> DIGIT 4

On key press output on display

SW0 -> DISPLAY 1010 ON 7 SEG
SW1 -> DISPLAY 1022 ON 7 SEG
SW2 -> DISPLAY 1033 ON 7 SEG
SW3 -> DISPLAY 1044 ON 7 SEG
SW4 -> DISPLAY 1055 ON 7 SEG
SW5 -> DISPLAY 1066 ON 7 SEG
SW6 -> DISPLAY 1077 ON 7 SEG
SW7 -> DISPLAY 1088 ON 7 SEG


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

PIC 16F877A board test dispaly LCD display blog site name on LCD

PIC 16F877A board test LCD dispaly

Parts List:
1. 40 PIN PIC Controller Board.
2. Connecting wires from PortB to LCDs.

H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to LCDs  IN 4bit mode.
 RB0  ->D7
 RB1  ->D6
 RB2  ->D5
 RB3  ->D4
 RB4  -> E
 RB5  -> RS
 RB6  -> RW

Project Image

Sunday, February 23, 2014

PIC 16F877A board test dispaly LED pattern on port B

PIC 16F877A board test dispaly LED pattern on port B

Parts List:
1. 40 PIN PIC Controller Board.
2. Connecting wires from PortB to LEDs.

H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to LEDs -> RB0,RB1,RB2,RB3,RB4,RB5,RB6,RB7

Project Image

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

00.C Digital temp. meter / Read LM35 output and display on 7 seg

LM35 Digital temp. meter / Read LM35 output and display on 7 seg

Parts List:
1.PIC 28 PIN PIC Controller Board.
2. 7seg 4 Digit Display Board.
3. LM35

H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to seg data RB0,RB1,RB2,RB3,RB4,RB5,RB6,RB7
Port A Connected to Digit on seg RA0,RA1,RA2,RA3.
LM35 Output to RA5 (AN4)

Project Image


Monday, February 10, 2014

4 Digit UP Down counter PIC18F2550

4 Digit UP / Down counter PIC18F2550

Parts List:
1.PIC 28 PIN Controller Board.
2. 7seg 4 Digit Display Board.
3. Two push button switch to up / down count

H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to seg data RB0,RB1,RB2,RB3,RB4,RB5,RB6,RB7
Port A Connected to Digit on seg RA0,RA1,RA2,RA3.
Port C Pin no. RC6 connect to down (count ) sw
Port C Pin no. RC7 connect to UP (count ) sw

4 Digit Up /Down Counter Photo

Up / Down Counter Video connect Pin RC6 (Down) and RC7 (Up) counting

OR Youtube Link

give your e-mail if hex file needed

Posted on 11 Feb 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

4 Digit UP / Down counter PIC18F2550

4 Digit UP / Down counter PIC18F2550

Parts List:
1.PIC 28 PIN Controller Board.
2. 7seg 4 Digit Display Board.
3. Two push button switch to up / down count

H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to seg data RB0,RB1,RB2,RB3,RB4,RB5,RB6,RB7
Port A Connected to Digit on seg RA0,RA1,RA2,RA3.
Port C  Pin no. RC6 connect to down (count ) sw
Port C Pin no. RC7 connect to UP (count ) sw

4 Digit Up /Down Counter Photo

Up / Down Counter Video connect Pin RC6 (Down) and RC7 (Up) counting
OR  Youtube Link 
give your e-mail if hex file needed

Posted on 11 Feb 2014

0000 MIcro Controller PIC18F2550 Board and 4-Digit 7 Seg Display

Make 4 Digit Counter to count 0000 to 9999

Parts List:
1.PIC 28 PIN Controller Board.
2. 7seg 4 Digit Display Board.

H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to seg data RB0,RB1,RB2,RB3,RB4,RB5,RB6,RB7
Port A Connected to Digit on seg RA0,RA1,RA2,RA3.

Project Picture : Controller Board Connected to 7 seg Display Board

Project Video

Project Hex File 4digit.hex  download