Tuesday, May 6, 2014

PIC 16F877A board Display number with key input on 7 seg

PIC 16F877A board Input key display on 7 seg

Project Image

Parts List:
1. PIC 16F877A Micro Controller Board.
2. Connecting wires .
H/w Connection Details
Port B connected to 8 KEY INPUT Switch.
 RB0  -> sw0
 RB1  -> sw1
 RB2  -> sw2
 RB3  -> sw3
 RB4  -> sw4
 RB5  -> sw5
 RB6  -> sw6
 RB7  -> sw7
Project Video

Port D Connected to 7 SEG
 RD0  ->D0
 RD1  -> D1
 RD2  -> D2
 RD3  -> D3
 RD4  -> D4
 RD5  -> D5
 RD6  -> D6
 RD7  -> D7
Port A Connected to 7 SEG Digit

RA0 -> DIGIT 1
RA1 -> DIGIT 2
RA2 -> DIGIT 3
RA3 -> DIGIT 4

On key press output on display

SW0 -> DISPLAY 1010 ON 7 SEG
SW1 -> DISPLAY 1022 ON 7 SEG
SW2 -> DISPLAY 1033 ON 7 SEG
SW3 -> DISPLAY 1044 ON 7 SEG
SW4 -> DISPLAY 1055 ON 7 SEG
SW5 -> DISPLAY 1066 ON 7 SEG
SW6 -> DISPLAY 1077 ON 7 SEG
SW7 -> DISPLAY 1088 ON 7 SEG


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